We are what we think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts. ~ Buddha
How does one start a blog of this nature? Should one focus on their life and what has brought them to this point? Should one point at the Dharma or other dogmatic practice that sounds the most plausable to the configuration of their brain? This causal experience, as I can only call myself, thinks that one should start with quite contemplation.
Meditation is what most people would call it but that brings in too many stigmas and correlates with an idea that most people have of cultures that are different to our own. I think that meditation serves many purposes but I will mostly focus on the ones I have seen in my short run with it and I hope to learn more as I practice myself. Meditation is a focus on the current moment. It is a way to see the world in a different light then the personal and self focused way we are told to by modern society. It also helps one see the impact that they have on the world and how with subtle difference people can change the outlook and therefore their life. The final thing I will discuss is that meditation allows one to hold the world up to a light and see that life, with all its suffering, is worth living. There are situations that one comes across that can not be put into words.
I will be trying to meditate on a daily basis for the next couple months and see what change it has on my outlook. I have meditated in a group setting before and visiting a Zen center where zazen meditation was focused on. It changed my world completely and I hope that I can focus on it and see where it takes me. Any start is a good start, better than no start at all.
This is an article involving the positives attributes gained by constant meditating. Here