Cold Coffee

“Man suffers only because he takes seriously what the gods made for fun.” ― Alan Wilson Watts

Coffee today was cold, the machine left off. First there was anger, blaming others gives too much power. While driving, every light was red and it forced patience. With this patience came calm reflection and a moment, a here and now that cracks reality. With morning meditation, the coffee, the lights, all what a self would call "bad" gave me the truth.

Life is about cold coffee and red lights.



"Success and failure are your journey."
~ Chogyam Trungpa

The days flow, varying, from rapids to a spring, and back. Looking endlessly at the bank, the stream of thoughts cease. Just a moment, here. A moment, needed to right ones mind in the torrent of sensations and reflections, ideas and impressions. In flowing water keeping one's feet becomes difficult. Every wave and swell is death incarnate, or is it the ego? Trek ever forward, with refuge everywhere, once found within.

Green branch, summer born,
Ride water, ever changing,
Beyond, it's just this.