Year of the Horse

“Those who are able to enter the truth through intuitional grasp of the state of just acting are like good horses.” ~Dogen

The world begins to look brighter these days. Mostly thanks to the Denver sun and hospitality, gratitute for both. As the Horse, this year will take effort, as living always does. It is good though, work can be fun with right thought. Seeing the world through different eyes in a different town can be slightly alienating, but the seasons allow for a connection to naturally grow. Forgive the pun.

But if Dogen is right then everyone is a good horse. The 'intuitional grasp' is always at hand for those who look. Humans came about to explore, see new things, react to them unflinchingly, and ride on. So ride on. The world is exciting and beautiful with tons of new things to learn, places to be, people to entertain. 

"Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, I say to you today, my friends. And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream." 

Martin Luther King, jr.

Today we hark'n,
Remember that oldest dream,
For all, Freedom rings.