
Why so serious? - The Joker

It seems like it has been too long, why allow the open, empty room to feel stuffy. They say that the warriors path is lonely (Shambala - Trungpa) and the bud of this realization has started to blossom. The meditation schedule is becoming more regular and every passing day the wind, gusting, pushes less. The ever flowing water parts at my seated feet. "Stay, sit and stay." It says. As long as I can.


Then Carry It with You

Zhaozhou's "Carry It with you"

Yanyang asked Zhaozhou, "How is it when nothing comes up?"
Zhaozhou said, "Cast it off."
Yanyang said, "When nothing comes up, how can you cast it off?"
Zhaozhou said, "Then carry it with you."

It has been too long since a post and it is about time. Work has been found, substitute teacher in the local high school. The work is work. It comes with fun and less, stress and more. Money is a useful item to possess in this time period, if possession even exists. The time I spend at home has grown short for a small time and the hours that are spent with Lera are enjoyed. My practice has waned but the lessons stay. Mindfulness stays when ordered.